12 Weeks to Heartiness Week 6 Exercise Routines
Thursday Warm-up Thursday Cool Down
Dale Carnegie’s Books
For emotional wellness, we highly recommend Dale Carnegies two books How to Win Friends & Influence People https://amzn.to/2Pz5ctC and How to Stop Worrying & Start Living. https://amzn.to/2PzEilB Stress, Worry and Anxiety are a part of most people’s lives. These books are very helpful.
Seven Virtues of Homesteading
Homesteading Requires Seven Virtues to be Successful. I once bought a book called “Homesteading in the 21st Century”. The authors are our age but have been doing it since the 1970s. I gave the book to my daughter when she and her husband got an acre of land and chickens. However, I always remembered one …
Growing Food is Work and Worth it
Growing our own food is not optional. We will do it no matter what. It does not matter the cost, the time it takes nor the workload. We chose to move to a place where we could afford land. A place where there is a growing season of 190 days a year. We choose to …
Nutrition is in our hands. Grow your food.
Nutrition is in our hands. Grow your food. It happens all the time. Even today, when a farmer/homesteader was asked why he started his farm, the answer was. “The only way we can eat the proper food is to grow it ourselves, because the people who are supposed to be keeping our food safe, are …
Why Does It Matter To Us?
Our Mission – Our Why Our Mission is birthed out of purpose, principles and conviction. We provide nourishment for our God-given body in a way that shows respect to Him and us and help others to have hope in a healthy future by the fuel they provide their body. This is our why. For too …
The Silent Killers we are all Forced to Eat
How Fats became Unhealthy I walked into a bakery to see if I could get a sandwich which might resemble something healthy. There on the shelf sat the cookies, pastries and bread and on their label is stated, oleo-margarine and hydrogenated shortening. How can it be? Doesn’t everyone know that those are wrong, evil, deadly? …
Time Management on your Homestead
Why Time Management Matters Time management is crucial in order to have a successful time on your homestead. Perhaps you have a personality like ours. No matter where you live or the time of life you are in, you find yourself busy. Busy is not bad. Being too busy causes stress which causes stress on …