Day 74 of 365 Blogs
I love to travel. I love the new adventures. Seeing new things. Sleeping in nice hotels and eating out. But Monday was not a good day because eating out was not good for me. I don’t even know what it was because I ate the same thing my son ate, but my body is not use to processed food and the hidden chemicals they contain. I spent 24 hours ill. This morning I am better but now I am afraid to eat. I will be super careful today. This is a reconfirmation of getting your body conditioned to eat real food and the good it does for it vs eating processed food when your body is not use to it. I generally take good food with me but was not able to this time. Ugh…

Nutritional Education
More and more psychiatrists and therapists realize that there is a connection between food eaten and the brain and mood. When I worked in Nevada at the Behavior health clinic, therapists would often call and ask me to come help with the client with nutrition because they could only do so much with therapy. Harvard studies continue to prove this. They suggest 6 foods that help the brain.
- Spices are filled with antioxidants. “Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, can decrease anxiety and change the corresponding brain chemistry, protecting the hippocampus”. “Researchers found that consuming saffron significantly reduced depression symptoms compared to the placebo controls”.
- Fermented Foods provides several advantages for the brain by protecting the brain, improves your memory, and slows cognitive decline. Yogurt, kimchi, fermented vegetables. Keep in mind that sweet yogurt covered raisins don’t count.
- Dark Chocolate is a great source for iron. Iron helps make the covering that protect the neuron in the brain and they help control they synthesis of the messages going on the chemical pathways involved in mood. Research show that eating 70% or higher cacao experience less depression. This does not mean you can eat all the chocolate you want. Remember, it also has sugar.
- Avocados is high in magnesium which is very important to brain function. Depression is related to depleted magnesium.
- Nuts are filled with healthy fats and oils. Omega 3 fatty acids improve memory and thinking. Walnuts are high in Omega 3.
- Leafy Greens have vitamin E, carotenoids, and flavonoids which all protect against dementia and cognitive decline.
If you or someone you love could benefit from learning more about how to improve your mood or reduce cravings, please register for the March 23rd Webinar to learn why and how to feed your brain so your mood and cravings can be optimal. Join me at 7 PM central time. Register at