Day 103 of 365 blogs
Looks like we will have rain every other day and today is no rain. Our goal, get one 50-foot row of the garden shaped and planted. We also had to cover it with a floating row cover to keep the chickens out and detour the bug population. We did it. We planted onions, leeks and beets. The onions and leeks were from Morgan Seeds here in Missouri and the beets Jim planted from seed. It feels so good to have potatoes and these things in the ground. We do have one more day of a freeze tomorrow night but none of the things I planted will care. It is a light freeze. Of course, potatoes care but they are buried deep in the pot so I believe we will be okay.
We cleaned out the brooder and put DE (diatomaceous earth) in it to help with sanitation and then added new wood chips waters and food for the six baby hens we have in the garage. We will move them over tomorrow.
Nutritional Education
I would like to say something about vitamin supplements. We did not take them for years because we felt we were eating well. We have been taking them for 3 months and they are making up for the well-eating we are not doing. We do not take any vitamin that is in tablet form. They do not dissolve well and most go right through a person and into the sewer. We only take capsules that are from a good source and pure. When all our vegetables are in and we are eating all the nutrients we can by the food we ingest, we will not need to take extra vitamins. We do need to make sure we are eating food that will bring in the B vitamins, the calcium, the zinc and magnesium. These are all very important nutrients to our body and or our brain. Our Motto is “Grow you Supplements” meaning grow a wide variety of vegetables and fruits and eat them. Raise well-fed meat and eat it sparingly.
People are surprise at the large garden we have had in the past and plan to put in again. It is because we are growing our supplements in the way of vegetables.