Day 84 of 365 blocks.
Chicks arrived today on Thursday. 50 Cornish Cross for meat. We had good luck with the last ones so we will see how these go. We had turned out grain container into a brooder earlier this year and now Jim installed lights in the side so we don’t have to lift them on and off the top when we open it. So far them are all doing well. We spent at least a half hour rounding up or should I say chasing our layer chickens to get them into the run. We only had Faithful and his flock to round up but the were not going easy.

The cows are together right now because the corral is so muddy, we felt bad. We have an idea to remedy that tomorrow. Therefore, we have had no milk for two days but we had plenty in the refrigerator.
My Webinar went well last night. I truly do love to teach. We had good response and I hope it helped some people. I have had good feedback.
Nutritional Education
What happens if you can’t sleep? It is common for people to lay awake at night and magnify their concerns into huge piles of worry. Then with the light of day, the problem seems small and now there is exhaustion from the lack of sleep. There are several nutritional remedies you can do. There are also lifestyle changes you can do. The first question we have to ask ourselves is are we eating properly? Do we have enough of all the nutrients? Are you going to bed hungry? What is your stress level? Are you exercising? Tomorrow I will discuss sleep hygiene.