Day 70 of 365 Blogs
This was a busy day on paper and the reality was the same. One problem, for some reason I had a sleepless night from 2 AM on so that added to the challenge. I can’t even tell you why because I do not know why. After morning chores, I had to take the time and move all the elderberry plants from the cold frame (51 of them) because it is not air tight and we are expecting snow tonight and 10 degrees tomorrow night. Jim is on his way home but will spend a day in a hotel while the snow passes over him. Well, that was the original plan but now he may try to drive until it is not safe. Just what a wife wants to hear. Prayers today for him please.

I pulled out my three slabs of bacon and sliced them thin and packaged them with my food saver and put a dozen packages in the freezer. This is a first. Of course, I took little pieces off each one and fried it to make sure it was good. It was. Tomorrow I have three more slabs to do.

There is great satisfaction in knowing that you have made a difference in someone’s life. As stated before, I go talk, exercise and interact, with my neighbor Monday through Friday for an hour. I have monitored her medications and gone with her to the doctor. She has improved so drastically by reducing her medications (with the doctor’s permission). She has also gone from saying “I can’t” to saying “I can”. She delights to show me her accomplishments in her walking, her ROM and her lack of pain. I do not take credit for it but she has done it because she decided she could. We are great friends and friends help friends.
Nutritional Education
I discovered something about myself this week while being alone. It is true confession time but perhaps it will help another person. When Jim first left, I did not do anything I normally do when he is here. I did not exercise. I did not eat right. I stopped and got a candy bar and ate it all on the first day. Then as the week went on, I realized I needed to do things for me, whether he was here or not. So, I made meals. I exercised. Tonight, as I was driving to Springfield to lead our Addiction Recovery Group, I was really tired from not sleeping last night so I wanted to stop and get an ice cream or a milk shake or something to keep me going. A voice in my head said, “No, you are going to an addiction group and sugar is your addiction”. Sugar also gives me a pick me up and then drops me hard. So, I did not do it. It took a lot of conversations with myself, over and over. But I did it.
If you or someone you love could benefit from learning more about how to improve mood or reduce cravings, please register for the free March 23rd Webinar to learn why and how to feed your brain so you mood and cravings can be optimal. Join me at 7 PM central time. Register at