Day 68 of 365 Blogs
Another cold day. I kept the fire going today. I love to stand at the south barn door as the cows are eating in the barn and watch the land. I love to feel the breeze and watch the geese. I love to just stare at the strength of the land. Having waited so long to get land, it comforts me. I take some moments each day and stare out this door at what we have and give thanks.

I tried to make corn tortillas from scratch and it failed again. I have not ever had any success. I had organic masa harina and I did it the way the recipe said but it tasted terrible. I went ahead and made them into baked chips and they were still bad. I keep trying different recipes but I am not able to make it even resemble a store-bought corn tortilla. I hope that some time I can figure out how to make them. I have had more luck with flour tortillas but have not got a great recipe for that either.
Nutritional Education
What is it about sugar? Toot Sweet, delightful cupcakes, fudgy fudge, donuts, root beer floats, German chocolate cake, soda and especially brownies. These are all things I enjoy eating. These are all things I don’t eat now except in very small amounts on very special occasions.
It is impossible to separate the addiction of sugar from alcohol and drugs. I have tried and they are both destructive and addictive and ruin lives. I have tried to separate them because there are no needle marks and people are usually not homeless because of their addiction. Their marriages don’t end because of that addiction. They don’t generally lose their jobs because of that addiction. But they lose their health, their pain level increases, they develop heart disease, diabetes, depression and so many other illnesses. Therefore, no more separation of the addictions. They can sit in the same room as they rehab, sugar is a stimulant and all cause havoc to their body and lives.
Register for the March 23rd Webinar to your will learn why and how to feed your brain so you mood and cravings can also be optimal. Join me at 7 PM central time. Register at