After sitting in a new patient’s home who just got out of the hospital with COVID and having her cough on me for an hour I got her new germs mixed with my old germs from last week and am sick again. That was the last straw and although I had already given my notice at work, I completed my charting and told them good-by. I can’t go in this week now anyway and Friday was to be my last day.
We have decided since we have to work, we need to work together. If we each put in the number of hours I was putting in at my job, we can make our own business go. YouTube will become a part of our lives again. But we need it to become a business so we have ideas. YouTube, Clients for my nutrition practice, affiliates, Jim’s exercise channel, raising organic meat chickens and several other things. We have always been told to have multiple streams of income. That way you get a little bit from several things and if one does not do as well, there is always another to take its place. We will do what we love. You know what they say, “If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life”.
Today is gorgeous and sunny and I sit in a room staying away from Jim right now so I don’t get him sick. He is cutting more wood. I did step out for a moment and felt the warmth on my skin. We will take the reprieve of warm weather. Feel bad for our COLD friends up north. It certainly makes it easier to take care of the animals. Every day or perhaps every other day, I skim off the cream from a gallon of milk and give the rest to the pigs. Then when I have a couple quarts of cream, I make butter. Then we keep some butter milk for us and give the rest to the pigs. We have about a dozen bars of butter in the freezer now and I can tell you that I can tell the difference when our butter in on the food instead of Walmart’s butter. It is so good. I never thought we would have the opportunity to make our own butter but we do and it is amazing.
Nutritional Information
A low-fat diet is not an asset to our health. I was a candy eater. I bought the hype that red vine licorice is a low fat food, therefore, it is good to eat. When low fat came into fruition in the 70s the food tasted terrible so they had to add sugar to make it eatable. Generally people who eat low-fat food also eat high carb food. White bread, white pasta, white rice and sugar. Diabetic generally have this diet. If a person has a heart problem, they get put on a low fat diet. Heart patients turn into diabetics. Diabetics turn into heart patients. It happens over and over.
A low-fat diet is not an asset to our health. I was a candy eater. I bought the hype that red vine licorice is a low fat food, therefore, it is good to eat. When low fat came into fruition in the 70s the food tasted terrible so they had to add sugar to make it eatable. Generally people who eat low-fat food also eat high carb food. White bread, white pasta, white rice and sugar. Diabetic generally have this diet. If a person has a heart problem, they get put on a low fat diet. Heart patients turn into diabetics. Diabetics turn into heart patients. It happens over and over.
If a diabetic, prediabetic or anyone will eat a good breakfast with a variety of protein, complex carbohydrate, good fat and a vegetable, you will feel so much better and your body will thank you. Have a small protein and carb for snack and then have the four (protein, carb, fat, vegetable) again for lunch. Then have a small snack of protein and carb. Then the four again for dinner. Real food in controlled combinations and if we all ate like this then Type e Diabetes would end.
Need breakfast ideas – Mornings begin with breakfast is my breakfast cookbook eBook. Purchase your own copy here. $8.00

Lunch Ideas
Make a meat or egg sandwich on whole grain bread. Do not use processed meat from package. Make your own protein. Have a meat loaf sandwich, egg salad sandwich, tuna sandwich, turkey or chicken or roast beef sandwich. (Cook all that meat yourself) If you love sliced turkey sandwiches then cook turkeys year-round and get your own slicer and make your own turkey. Do the same with chicken or roast beef). Add a salad loaded with vegetables and fruit. Add avocado slices. Did you see all four areas of food in there? The best lunch is leftovers from last night’s dinner.
- Dinner Ideas
- Baked fish, chicken, or grass-fed burgers wrapped in lettuce
- Roasted vegetables in your oven to include red potatoes, sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts, onions and carrots. Drizzle with olive oil.
- Dinner salad loaded with variety
- A piece of fruit for dessert
I wish I could be close enough to come by for some milk & cream. Those pigs are lucky. 🐷💗