I got up this morning and as I always do to check the Instagram and Facebook posts to see if I need to answer anyone from my Blog. I realized that I never posted it. I had written the nutritional part but not my blog. So here goes and we will just pretend it is yesterday. We are truly snowed in because of our very long driveway. We tried to get the car out but there is ice under 6-8 inches of snow and we have low front wheel drive car. We walked up to the mailbox in the beautiful evening with no wind and just white beauty. (No Mail by the way.) But we have plenty so it is kind of nice to be snowed in

.It is a comfort that I am no longer working as a nurse off the farm and having to figure out how to get out. That is a blessing. My daughter did a video call last night to show me as her and the 2 ½ year old twins were playing with a bucket of Kid’s slim on the table. Just wonderful smiles and giggles. I love that we can see family through the wonders of technology. Sweet memories of moments of slim and giggles.
Nutritional Information
When we lived in Germany, we stayed in a German hotel for the first two weeks waiting for housing. They offer a buffet in the center of the table in the morning. There was yogurt, muesli, fruit, sliced cucumbers, sliced sweet peppers, sliced tomatoes, cheese and ham and various other meat slices, hard-boiled eggs and a basket of fresh whole grain rolls. They know how to do breakfast there. Their mornings truly do start with breakfast. Perhaps that is because they are such hard workers, they knew they needed good energy to accomplish their tasks.
There is a joy to eating good food, a variety of food, and food that is prepared from real food and is healthy for you. I want to talk about eating in the “season thereof”. Homesteaders try to grow everything and preserve it and that is wonderful. But we want to try to grow and eat what will grow at that time of the year. That means greens, during early spring, root vegetables in late winter, and in the summer, almost every vegetable. Even then, there are some vegetables that do not grow well in summer. It makes us enjoy what we have. How many of you have paid $2.00 for a zucchini in off-season to put in in a recipe? Choice a different recipe. Eat in the season thereof.
When I look at Missouri and what is available in February, I found food I am not even sure what it is. Chicories, Endive, Radicchio, Rapini, Sprouts. I know three of those. In March there are Asparagus, Chives, Morals, Other Mushrooms, Sprouts. By learning what is available at certain times, I will know what to plant so I can have them available. I do see wild chives in my front yard.
Eat a good breakfast
Eat a variety of food,
Grow vegetables in their season
Eat vegetables in their season.