We woke up to about 6 inches of snow and it snowed lightly all day. We have not been in this much snow for many years. We actually enjoyed it. Now, we don’t want to deal with it for months at a time like our Northern friends have to, for it does make chores very challenging. We had to haul water and break ice. The poor chickens have no desire to step our of Little Barn. Last night we put our calf in a section of the barn and it that worked very well. Milking went well this morning and no cows had icicles on them. We fed three times today and hauled water to pigs and tonight to the calf because he cannot get to the waterer outside. We have a wonderful concrete water that stays melted all the time and there is always fresh water for them.

This morning we both walked up to our neighbor’s home. I was dressed in snow pants and covered everywhere. I stepped in Jim’s footprints in the snow. I was so tired when I got there. Proof, I have not been taking walks. On our way back down to our home we were surprised at the beauty of our little farm so we stopped and took a picture. We are so blessed.

Nutritional Information
When you are hungry and craving junk food, drink a tall glass of water. When we want to have a fancy meal or serve guests in our home, we used to feel bad that we did not serve something special. We don’t drink alcohol, or coffee or hot tea or soda or even lemonade because of their content. We drink water. It is our beverage of choice. We put lemon, or lime in it and enjoy it. We also drink raw milk and love it so much. My friend, Connie taught me the relaxation of drinking herbal tea, but I still don’t take the time to do it very much.
Water can cure headaches, stomach aches, constipation, dehydration, dried skin, wrinkles, and so many other ailments. So, drink up. Clear, cool, water.
Your snowy farm looks like it could be on a greeting card! Beautiful!