Today was over 60 degrees and we each chose what we wanted to do on the farm. Jim wanted to mow the lower pasture and I wanted to work on the driveway garden getting ground cover laid down and isles covered from weeds. I almost finished. We had beautiful weather today but tomorrow morning rain starts and tomorrow night snow comes in for two days and zero temps so we worked while we could to prepare the ground. We also planted trees this morning in our cloth bags until it is warm enough to plant in the ground.

Tonight, we went out for our Anniversary. It is really on Wednesday, Groundhog’s Day, but we will have snow and ice so we will not be going out. Thank you everyone for your Anniversary wishes. It is our 49th. Next year is the big one. I remember when my grandpa and grandma had their 50th celebration. My parents never made it that far before my dad passed away.
We talked about going away for an anniversary because that is always something we have done. But this year we could not come up with anything. Jim finally said, Well, we have dreamed of having land our entire marriage and now we have it. It makes sense that we are happy and content to live our dream and just be here to help things grow. I agree. I always wanted to go somewhere and I just want to be home.
Nutritional Information
We ate out tonight. We ate food we do not have at home. We enjoyed it. It is okay to eat on special occasions and celebrate as long as every week is not a celebration.
I hope by now you are starting to see the connection between the brain in the head and the brain in the gut. The information is getting out there and it is becoming more mainstream to realize that the food we put in our body, has everything to do with our emotions. Our body is an entire body and does not work as compartments. It is a whole.
Julia Ross, the author of Mood Cure, stated, “We are in a bad-mood epidemic, a hundred times more likely to have significant mood problems than people born a hundred years ago. Adult rates of depression and anxiety have tripled since 1990.”. And may I add COVID, made it worse. She goes on to suggest that “This increasing emotional distress stems from easily correctable malfunctions in our brain and body chemistry – malfunctions that are primarily the result of critical unmet nutritional needs”.
We had the yummiest omelet this morning. It contained cheese, onion, bell pepper, jalapeno, and freshly cooked chicken breast. It melted in our mouth and it was full of good protein and vegetables. Please make sure you are feeding your brain first in the morning so you can think, have energy to perform tasks and so you do not immediately dive into depression or anxiety.