We went to Kansas City today. The weather was beautiful. On the way back we took highway 49 instead of our usual road. We stopped in Bates County, Missouri to do some family history research. Jim’s and my family were all over Missouri. The libraries in these small towns are wonderful and they are so kind and willing to help. We thought we were going to get to go to an old cemetery that was on the way home, however, with the melting snow and going down a dirt road to the cemetery, we had to turn around a mile and half from the destination. We will wait a little longer to explore that piece of ground. It is so fun because both of us have family within an hour of us. Now we are excited to see if there are any descendants that we can go meet and say, “Hi, cousin”.
We were very nervous leaving the animals all day. We gave them extra feed but the pigs had us worried. We said an extra prayer and when we got home, we found everyone greeting us and all in their corrals and pens. We let the chickens roam for an hour before the sun set so they even got to have some freedom. It is so nice to know that if we plan well enough we can take a day trip and all is good.

Nutritional Information
We took our food with us today in an ice chest and then stopped and split one sandwich at a shop that prepares their food very well. (We have eaten there several times when we travel.) We stopped at Sprouts to do some shopping. We noticed two things that may correlate. Most other stores have empty shelves. Sprouts did not. They were fully stocked. We also noticed that the prices were significantly higher than a couple months ago. I generally just reach for things and put them in the cart, knowing they are more expensive. Not today. I would reach and then say, I just can’t justify that. Needless to say, our conversation on the way home was about the food we need to grow for us. I hope you all are planning your gardens and what you can do to provide for yourselves as much as possible.
thank you , so glad your animals love you that they stay put