It was 12 degrees this morning. We break up the ice for the animals and fill their containers up every few hours. We cleared a junk pile from the back that has been there since we moved in. Such satisfaction. We find that if we can go outside for 1 hour a day and tackle a project it brings great joy. We have stared at this pile since we move it and now it is gone. YAY! Jim moved a large stump near the porch today to put our Log-a-sol on it to break up some firewood. It is not perfect but if will help until we can get a wood splitter to chop up the firewood. We used to be representatives for the company for the Log-a-sol when we lived here before. They are the same makers or our BCS two-wheel-tractor.

Our kitty sits by the door and waits for a time to go in. She or he is very polite and sometimes I will not know it is in and I will see a shadow pass and find kitty hiding inside. We have two of them that look exactly alike and we cannot tell them apart. One is Nala and one is Simba. They are both fixed so they are really an it. One prefers the hay in the barn and one prefers the garage and house.

Today on January 26, we are 12 weeks from our last frost date so I got to plant my seeds in seeding trays for my leeks and onions. So happy to do this. I am planning the garden in detail. I want to provide all our vegetables if possible so I am working on spacing and placement. It is more fun than rearranging the furniture. Rearranging the garden and planning it is the top.
Nutritional Information
I am going to talk about addiction again but perhaps an addiction that is more prevalent that hard drugs and alcohol. I am talking about the addiction we have to the brightly packaged process food. It is fake food. It carries very little nutrients and a lot of calories. Look at the people in the world around us. Obesity is greater than it has ever been. I don’t care about the weight but with it comes diseases of diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, depression, osteoporosis, and so many more. Yet we as a people do not want to admit we have an addiction to processed food. The food industry is counting on it. Many of the leaders in the food industry are the people that were in the tobacco industry. They are expert at getting people addicted to their product for money.
Sorry guys. That was a little heavy. I just finished listening to a lecture on this and I have know it is true for 13 years. Choose one thing this week to take out of your diet that is fake food (processed food) and replace it with real food. Our health depends on it.