I have finally done it. I have wavered back and forth for the last 2 years deciding how I wanted to niche down my nutrition practice. It has been crystalizing for me and now it is clear. It may exclude some people, but it is where my passion is. This is what I wrote on the front page of my website.
I help people with addictions get rid of cravings and avoid relapse by feeding their starving brain. Compulsive behaviors, sugar, soda, caffeine, alcohol, or drugs all cause addiction, depression, anxiety, irritability and ruin lives.
If this is you, you are in the right place!
It started for me when I was in Nevada and worked at the behavior health clinic and the residential rehab. These people connected with me and I with them. I was teaching them nutrition to overcome their cravings and addictions. Jim and I now lead 3 different groups. Two 12 step addiction recovery meetings at our church and one 12-principal spouse and family meeting. They want answers and now I am going to help anyone I can. I also am going to do it for an affordable price since many do not have money. If you happen to go to the website, the correct classes have not been inserted yet so wait a few days.
Anyway. I am auditing the 6-month course I took last year on Addiction and Mental Health Nutrition therapy. I was getting my Master’s and working full time so do not feel I was able to get everything I needed from it. Today was the first class and it was like watching a movie and picking up all kinds of things that I did not see the first time. Only a few more changes and I will be ready to teach my 12-week group class that anyone could afford. In case you wanted to know, a participant can join anonymously and still participate. We value confidentiality.
Today is absolutely beautiful weather. We will plummet 30 degrees on Saturday but no snow or rain.
Nutritional Information
We had avocado toast for breakfast. Homemade bread, a fried egg, nitrate-free bacon, topped with sliced avocado. We have been having a wonderful salad every day of romaine, arugula, spinach, onions, and shredded cabbage and carrots.

Nutrients come from eating vegetables grown in well – nourished soil and by eating a variety of foods. Our eggs are the most orange eggs I have ever seen. We take our responsibility of taking care of our animals and the land very serious. Growing food is why we live here. We travel over a hour to get organic soy-free feed. We still have so much to learn. We love it when you share what you have learned with us.