Don’t lose weight to get healthy, Get Healthy to loss weight, January 1, 2022

It is a new year. 2022. 22 years after the Millennial year, Y2K and the end. But here we are, still here. There are changes. The earth is experiencing heat, rain in areas not needed and drought in areas desperate for rain. For us it is a year of coming back home to our farm. This time it was without our little dog, Oliver whom we lost early this year. We moved back to Missouri in March and pinched ourselves that we actually were back here after two years. We brought in the animals, and planted a garden thanks to Katie Newton and my niece, Dianne Coleman who had vegetable starts waiting for us.

Last night we watched a movie and MASH and then watched the ball drop in New York at 11:00 for us and went to bed. During 2021 we have watched the entire eleven seasons of MASH except for the last two DVDs which we will finish soon. It has been our bedtime relaxation at the end of the day. We got out the scrabble game again and set up a small table to be able to play it through the year. It is the small things that keep us grounded.

Today while I am still recouping from whatever I have and slowly taking down the Christmas decorations, Jim protects the carrot garden for the hard month of January and covers the onions and garlic with old hay to protect them. This year was good for growing but next year we hope for so much better.

We had rain this morning and are supposed to have the first flurries of snow later today. In April of this year, we had one day of snow so as long as I don’t have to drive in it, Let It Snow. Grab a cup of hot chocolate or herbal tea and cozy up.

Now for some nutritional information:

When choosing what food to eat and not eat, do not confuse the food with the chemical that is in the food. What do I mean by that? Real food is food that comes the way it grows. An apple, a potato, beef, fresh pork, a whole chicken and raw milk for example. It is what is done to the food, the processing and refining, where chemicals come in. Sugar in the apple, nitrates In the pork, damaging oils in the potato, nitrates in the beef, MSG in the chicken, and digestive enzymes removed from the milk.

About 10 years ago I was part of a food growing community in Southern Utah and we were going to do 100 days of real food campaign. I told them I could make out the list of what constituted real food. When I handed it to them, it was never used because they were vegetable growers and they just wanted people to buy their food. They did not care about additives after the food was bought or changes that made the food unhealthy. People do not want to be bothered about the food they eat. They then eat it and then let them suffer the consequences of health issues. We hope you want to be bothered. We are going to bother you.

Food is good. Food is what provides energy, cell membranes, thinking, strength and all other aspects that nutrients give the body. We get those nutrients by eating food. But so often food is so adulterated that it no longer resembles food to the body even though it does to the eye. I will not talk about the food industry and what they do for the almighty dollar. Just know that processed food is there for your convenience and for their pocket-book not for your health and nourishment.

What is a person to do? We believe that you do not lose weight to get healthy, you get healthy to lose weight. Food is begging to be created and enjoyed. Time is your foe when it comes to preparing food. The most often repeated statement is, “I do not have time to cook from scratch”. Or “I do not enjoy cooking so I don’t want to be in the kitchen”. I promise you that this can become your hobby. It can be shared with your spouse, your roommate, and your family. It can be fun, enjoyable and your health and body will improve. You will slowly see consistent changes happen. Your abdominal fat will decrease. Your blood pressure will go down. Your diabetes will be under control. Your mind will be happier and your depression and anxiety will be more under control.

What does it take to get healthy? Food adjustments, Stress Management, Exercise and getting rid of stimulates and chemicals…..That is what it takes.

We all need to take a look at our kitchens and then have a talk with our spouse and/or family and decide what changes we need to make for 2022.