Pigs in a box

June 29, 2018



Heartiness Approach Newsletter – June 29, 2018 – Thank your for joining us.

With an Oink Oink here and
an Oink Oink There

It was another adventure this week as we went to get our piglets for the first time. We have raised pigs before but they were kept at another person’s home and they were not pasture raised.
Now they are our responsibility.
It is a big responsibility.
They are bigger than a chicken.

They are different from a chicken.
But there are similarities.

Chickens come to you when you go near.
Pigs come to you when you go near.
Chickens wait for the food to come.
Pigs wait for the food to come.

But Pigs are bigger and require different care.
I worry about them in a thunderstorm.
I worry if they get too hot.
I want to make sure they are getting enough food
I want to make sure they always have water to wallow in.
I worry about them.

Jim keeps walking in the fence and touching and talking to them. He also does that with the chickens to socialize them.

Perhaps chickens and pigs are not so different.
They both want food, shelter and love. 

(No pigs were harmed in the move to our homestead.)

Know Your Carbohydrates

Know Your Fats

When the doctor wanted to put my husband on a Cholesterol lower medication. I refused to allow it because the side-effects are so bad with those medications. He talked the doctor into letting us change our diet before he put him on the medication. After three months of eating eggs nearly every day, increasing the correct fats and eliminating hydrogenated fats from our diet and eliminating processed foods from our diet, his cholesterol went down a small amount but not enough for the doctor. He took another blood test six months after than. His cholesterol had reduced significantly and the doctor said Jim did not need to go on the medication.

So how does eating fat and eggs reduce cholesterol? Why eliminate processed foods? The reality is that this life style change (diet) goes against the US dietary guidelines but has been proven by many patients including Jim and I. (My cholesterol lowered also.)

Dietary cholesterol is essential for our bodies. Butter, meat, and eggs are types of fat we should eat on a daily basis. Fats are required for cells, hormones and the brain to function properly.

It took a long time but in the last twenty years trans-fatty acids have become accepted as bad for the body and most food are processed stating that they do not contain trans fats. One thing to remember…”A food can be labeled ‘trans fat-free’ if it has 0.49 grams or less of trans fats per serving. So if you eat four processed foods each day, even though they may be labeled ‘trans fat-free,’ you may still be eating as much as 2 grams of trans fat, enough to do real damage over time.” (Lustig, R. The Fat Chance Cookbook. page 39)


The following is from WestonPrice Association. If you are not familiar with them, check out their webpage at www.westonprice.org

Confused About Fats? The following nutrient-rich traditional fats have nourished healthy population groups for thousands of years:

For Cooking

  • Butter

  • Tallow and suet from beef and lamb

  • Lard from pasture-raised pigs

  • Chicken, goose and duck fat

  • Coconut, palm and palm kernel oils

For Salads

  • Extra virgin olive oil (also OK for cooking on low)

  • Expeller-expressed sesame and peanut oils

  • Expeller-expressed flax oil (in small amounts)

For Fat-Soluble Vitamins

  • Fish liver oils such as cod liver oil (preferable to fish oils, which do not provide fat-soluble vitamins, can cause an overdose of unsaturated fatty acids and usually come from farmed fish.)

The following newfangled fats can cause cancer, heart disease, immune system dysfunction, sterility, learning disabilities, growth problems and osteoporosis:

  • All hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils

  • Industrially processed liquid oils such as soy, corn, safflower, cottonseed and canola

  • Fats and oils (especially vegetable oils) heated to very high temperatures in processing and frying.

    Polyunsaturated oils should be used very sparingly and only on salads, but NEVER heated.
    Poppyseed oil
    Safflower oil
    Sesame oil
    Sunflower oil
    Walnut oil
    Polyunsaturated oils are very high in Omega 6 and that causes inflammation when our ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 1 have far too many Omega 6. Notice that I do not have corn oil, cottonseed oil, soybean oil and canola oil on the list because they are mainly found as GMOs and then your body is ingesting  other harmful particles.


    You can eat eggs everyday. This dietary Cholesterol does not increase your blood cholesterol.

    The following is a direct quote from The Schwarzbein Principle II,
    ” Cholesterol from foods reacts very differently in the body than the cholesterol created in your body does. It is the cholesterol that is created from excessive carbohydrate intake that is damaging to your body and can increase your risk of heart disease. In addition, whole eggs are a good source of essential fatty acids, and a complete source of protein and contain almost every vitamin and mineral.”


Carbohydrates are chains of sugar molecules. They can be simple or complex. Simple have 1 or 2 molecules and Complex have 3 or more.

Carbohydrates are found in real and man-made foods. I actually had been a nurse for a while before I learned that some foods I had no idea were carbohydrates. I needed to put together a picture board for a mentally challenged person with diabetes. As I research I was surprised to find our that a potato was a carb, It seems ridiculous now but I need to remember that people who do not research nutrition may not know what others of us take for granted. Many of you know more than Jim and I do and that is what makes sharing so wonderful.

Simple and complex carbohydrates are both broken down in the digestive track to one-sugar molecules. So all Carbs are sugar. Simple process fast. Complex process slower.

Whole grains, starchy vegetables, fruits, most dairy products, breads, cereals, pasta, and sweets are all carbohydrates.

Our bodies use carbohydrates for energy so the amount of carbohydrates we put into our body should match our activity level.

The amount of carbohydrates you should eat a day depends on your activity level, whether your body is sensitive to insulin and can use it properly or whether you are insulin resistant and pre-diabetic or diabetic. Are your adrenal glands burnt out? (That is another topic)

If you are insulin sensitive and your adrenal glands are working properly and you are active, not sedentary, you should have 30 – 35 grams of carbohydrates with each meal and 15 with each snack.

Remember if you are homesteading and working vigorously in the garden and with the animals you NEED to eat at least 30 carbs per meal to keep up your energy level that you are using up.

In the blog this week you will find how food is broken down into grams of carbs so you have an idea of what to eat.

Heartiness Approach Standards

Eat 3 meals and 2 snacks a day.

Meals and Snacks contain:

  1. A good Carbohydrate,

  2. A correct fat,

  3. A Good Protein,

  4. A non-starchy Vegetable.

Skipping breakfast is not an option – Eat it.

Stop eating 2-3 hours prior to going to bed

Send comments to Rhenda@heartinessapproach.com

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